Biotechnologies and the human condition
de Ivan Domingues (Editor)
Coleção: IEAT
Since ancient Greece the anthropological question has interested thinkers from a wide array of schools and traditions poets, theologians, philosophers, and scientists who have explored the most varied aspects of the human condition and placed moral, social, and political issues at the center of attention, beyond the limits, laws, and acts that connect the human being to the natural order of things and to the deities. In this book, the reader will be confronted with a new kind of thinking. This is a book about bioengineering, but envisaged through the perspective of the humanities. The focus is on the great impact that the new biotechnologies have on the human condition, leading to the revolutionizing of human abilities and the demand for reconsidering the anthropological question and its moral, juridical, and other implications associated with it.
O livro é a publicação mais recente (pela Editora UFMG / IEAT, em 2012) e está em língua inglesa. Além da organização são de autoria de I. Domingues a "Introduction" e o capítulo "Biotechnologies and the Great Oppositions - Ontological Aspects: Stablishing and Canceling"
Trata-se de uma coletânea de capítulos proveniente do Colóquio Internacional Biotecnologias e a Condição Humana, promovido pelo NEPC, com parceria do IEAT/UFMG e Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, da Universidade de Oxford, Inglaterra. O Colóquio ocorreu na FAFICH/UFMG, em agosto de 2009. Entre os seus objetivos principais estava o fomento à reflexão interdisciplinar - este espírito encontra-se no livro que agora vem a lume.